Presys T-30NIR Infrarood temperatuur kalibrator

Presys T30NIR infrarood kalibrator

Generates temperatures from -30 ºC to 150 ºC. • It can be used with an external reference sensor (1/8” or 3mm, support of CVD parameters). • Includes a front cover and a connection for dry air blowing on the target edges which prevents the ice formation.

Using your cell phone or Android device with our Andromeda application,
connected to the T-30NIR through Bluetooth adapter, you can easily
set-up the correct compensated temperature of the T-30NIR black body
following the Sakuma-Hattori equation. If you need to calibrate an IR
thermometer with a different emissivity, it calculates the correct
temperature of the black body source.

Operating Range
ambient temperature: 23 °C -30 °C to 150 °C

Display Accuracy internal reference  +/-0.4°C
Display Accuracy external reference +/-0.1°C

Resolution: +/-0,01°C

Stability: 0.1°C